Sunday, June 23, 2024

WTF, one night ONLY

 There has been a whole FLOTILA of BULL SHIT cruising the airwaves, the highways, and the by-ways of America, during the TRUMP Regime and now in TRUMPS attempt to make certain his REGIME lasts for a long, long time. Each and every day, we are inundated by the sheer audacity of Republican Politicians and their Billionaire Owners, pretending that Democracy is dead due to the Leftists, or that Crime is up due to the Democrats, or that somehow freedoms and choices have diminished due to anyone but TRUMP and his accolades.  

The newest boat joining this FLOTILA of BULL SHIT is the hype and hysterics perpetrated by our Media that somehow this upcoming Presidential Debate will be a referendum on which Candidate is better at being President! It is as if one night will replace the records of the first four years of the Trump attempt at autocracy, as if TRUMPS entire record of devastation regarding COVID, lowering taxes on the ultra-wealthy, weaponizing HIS Justice Department, HIS disregard for minorities, HIS self-serving decision to nominate, Kavanaugh, Comey-Barrett, and Gorsuch to overturn Roe, HIS very close relationship with two of the world’s most evil of Dictators, HIS Felonies, HIS stealing of Top Secret Documents, etc., etc., etc. DOES NOT MATTER!


One debate, one night, a few hours, and if Joe Biden stumbles or stutters, “We the People” are to shove him aside for TRUMP! One debate, one night, which most likely will not even resemble a fair and honest debate, and if TRUMP struts around the stage, throwing out lies and insults, “We the People” should suddenly believe that he, as a BULLY, is more capable of being the Executive-In-Chief! One debate, one night, a few hours, and if TRUMP tries his best to imitate Sarah Palin with his “Gotcha” stupidity, “We the People” should assume President Biden is senile and thus less competent than the wanna-be Fascist TRUMP!


GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK, all of you so-called Political Pundits, Political Talking Heads, Journalists, and so-called reporters, stop your self-serving HYPE over this debate. Pretending that in this one night, we should forget the past and start all over!