Sunday, June 23, 2024

Willing Victims

 Former President Donald Trump again used dehumanizing language about immigrants on Saturday, telling crowds at two separate venues that he has floated the idea of a migrant fight club to UFC President Dana White.

"I said, 'Dana, I have an idea. Why don't you set up a migrant league of fighters and have your regular league of fighters. And then you have the champion of your league – these are the greatest fighters in the world – fight the champion of the migrants. I think the migrants’ guy might win; that’s how tough they are," Trump said at a Faith & Freedom Coalition gathering in Washington. (USA Today)


One more “right in our face,” inflammatory, bigoted, racist, xenophobic statement from the King of Mean. This time, it is the migrants, last time and the time before that, and the time before that, and most likely next time, it was or will be the Jews, the Blacks, the Women, the Gays, the Trans, the Hispanics. And yet we hear that there are still a whole bunch of Jews, Blacks, Women, LGBT, and Hispanics who seem to think that for some reason, maybe it is their wealth, maybe it is their self-denial, maybe it is their own bigotry and bias, BUT SOMEHOW, these demographics still support TRUMP, providing him with donations, and undying support.


TRUMP and his Brown Shirted, Red Hatted, White Robed, Swastika adorned Enemies of the State are just waiting to become in power, and demonstrate, as history has proven before, that the minorities who think their shit does not stink like others within their own minority demogarphic will become the next victims…seemingly WILLING VICTIMS!