Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Coming out and pride

 “Coming out!” Coming out from what, from where? Seriously, I was born with brown eyes, having a bit of brown hair on my tiny head, my skin tone was, of a pale flesh, and I had the human X chromosome with Xq28 (green) located at the tip of the long arm of the chromosome. Studies of the X chromosome as well as the entire human genome have linked Xq28 to the heredity of homosexuality in human males. So, if I was coming out from anywhere, I suppose I was coming out of my mother’s womb as someone who along with a myriad of physical items, happened to be Gay.

“Coming out!” Maybe coming to terms with my real identity, perhaps coming to accept myself, appreciate myself, inspect myself, and of course RESPECT myself. I never placed myself in any strange place, rather, the society around me placed me in some strange location called the CLOSET, and naively, innocently, I thought not exiting this closet fully dressed in my own SELF-ESTEEM because somehow, everyone else seemed to know me better than I knew myself, made sense.


I have been a homosexual for 74 years. Some folks have been heterosexual for 74 years.  I am right-handed, except when I use scissors, I ; I have difficulty reading anything closeup without my glasses, I have a semi-hairy body, my middle fingers on both of my hands are longer than the rest of my fingers, and I am not flat-ed. Some 74-year-old heterosexuals and some 74 homosexuals are the same as me, and some are not.  I can love, I can like, I can hate, I can feel, some heterosexuals are unable to express one or any of those emotions as are some homosexuals.  


June is considered Pride Month, stemming I a, I am told, from the riots at the Stonewall InnNew York City.  I had to learn how to be proud aboof myself throughout my life anytime I permitted someone to make me feel likee victim. For all of those humans who are still bullied by their families, their neighbors, their clergy, their Government officials, I hope that they can find some hope in knowing that many of us are trying to acknowledge their worth.


“Coming out!” Does that phrase make those who think they had veothing to come out from more satisfied or safe?


Happy Pride, Be Proud, Remain Proud!