Thursday, June 27, 2024

A few more for today

 And a few more I am so angry and pissed commentaries.

--------Supreme Court blocks Purdue Pharma opioid settlement. The justices ruled that a bankruptcy judge did not have the authority to let members of Sackler family evade facing future lawsuits. (NBC News) Most everyone knows by now that Alito and Thomas have a great hobby of “PAY ME TO PLAY,” And from the past actions of Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, and Roberts wife, they also love a good sleight of hand, so I am shocked and amazed to see that the Sackler Family (an UBER SNAKE OIL FAMILY, if there ever was one, close to the kind of SLIMINESS of the TRUMP Family,) hadn’t been able to have their 7-digit attorneys grease the criminal palms of the Supreme Court Jesters!


--------Trump stolen documents found among Diet Coke, Christmas ornaments, new photos reveal. (MSNBC) Maybe sharing Top Secret Confidential Secrets with other Autocrats, or Billionaires who love to pay off Autocrats, is a tiring  bit of exertion, especially with a very overweight slug like TRUMP, so it must be more convenient to slug down a case about Cokes in doing so. Maybe the fizz of carbonation, sends a tingling sensation to Trumps genitals as he speaks with his LORD AND MASTER, and mot likely owner of blackmail video, Putin. Maybe the FIZZ as it careens through the blocked arteries within the foreboding body of TRUMP, as he sings sweet nothings to his BFF, Jung-Un, stimulates his attraction to one of the most vile and villainous people on Earth. And nothing like Diet Coke when ULTRA WEALTHY Public Enemies of the State stimulate TRUMPS' sexual desires, promising him millions and millions of dollars. But then remember according to TRUMP none of this ever happened.


Most everyone knows by now that Alito and Thomas have a great hobby of “PAY ME TO PLAY,” And from the past actions of Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, and Roberts wife, they also love a good sleight of hand, so I am shocked and amazed to see that the Sackler Family (an UBER SNAKE OIL FAMILY, if there ever was one, close to the kind of SLIMINESS of the TRUMP Family,) hadn’t been able to have their 7 digit attorneys grease the criminal palms of the Supreme Court Jesters!


--------Supreme Court curbs SEC powers to enforce securities laws. The case is one of several on the docket in which the conservative-majority court is weighing business-backed efforts to curb the power of federal agencies. (NBC News) SO LET ME UNDERSTAND THIS OLD ADAGE, “WHY WOULD YOU HAVE FOXES GUARDING THE HEN HOUSE!” Greed, Grifting, Bought and Sold, Owned and Operated, IS ANYONE in their right mind, SURPRISED, STUPIFIED, MESMERISED, or MYSYIFIED that the Republican Activist Supreme Court Jesters, would rule in favor, against moral and values, decency and law, and help make lawful bribery and snake oil? I wish there was a way to end the lifetime terms for these TREASONOUS TRAITORS!