Monday, June 3, 2024

Sounds of Silence

 Trump supporters try to dox jurors and post violent threats after his conviction. Trump supporters try to dox jurors and post violent threats after his conviction. (NBC News)

Silence . Utter Earth-shattering silence, from the same folks who were able to SHOUT about their so-called grievances regarding the Justice System of the United States, when TRUMP was found a Felon by a Jury of his peers. Folks like lyin’ Ted Cruz, Little Marco, Ms.  Lindsey Graham Gym Jordon, Moscow Margie, et al, have zipped their lips so it seems, as their MAGA Fascists Brown Shirt base, threaten Jurors, Judges, and the people associated with Law and Order, and American Justice. The Republican Trump Puppets and Fools are somehow unable to find their voices urging the MAGA Fascists to stop treating our Democracy like trash, and to demand that innocents not be threatened. 


But then again, these are same traitors who demand we don’t “say Gay,” or Trans Lives matter, the folks who love to pick and choose their words. They are the insane Trump minions who will do and say anything that keeps their Supreme Leader happy. For them what matters most is “WHAT’S IN IT FOR THEM!”


The Sounds of Silence, from the Republicans, oh so scarry!