Sunday, May 26, 2024

OH the SLIME of it all


Lauren Boebert resorts to homophobia after Pete Buttigieg calls out her hypocrisy. The Colorado congresswoman used bigotry as she tried to make fun of the transportation secretary and his husband, Chasten Buttigieg, for raising children. (ADVOCATE)

Rep. Lauren Boebert, a far-right Republican with a history of bigoted remarks, on Wednesday for taking credit for securing federal funding for a bridge in her district, despite voting against the bipartisan infrastructure bill that provided the funds. (ADVOCATE) BOEBERT, who DID NOT vote for the Biden Infrastructure Bill and who took the time to lambast the Biden Infrastructure Bill as some sham, now has decided that her record of trying to deny this opportunity should be ignored. BOEBERT, who decided that attending her son’s court date for his crime was less of a priority than spending her time at the Trump court date.  I must wonder who is more slimy, sinister, and insidious, BOEBERT, or those who voted her into office. Of course, as a Re, as a Republican, BOEBERT acts the bully, using zero facts for her argument but preferring lots of homophobia.


The New York Times reported on Wednesday that Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito flew an "Appeal to Heaven" flag at his New Jersey beach house. The flag's close association with both far-right Christian nationalists and the insurrectionists who stormed the Capitol. Trump's purported VP contender Tom Cotton proudly displays Jan 6-linked flag, Internet brands him 'a coward and a borderline traitor'. House Speaker Mike Johnson displays the flag in the hallway outside his office next to the flag of his home state, Louisiana. He said he has flown it “for as long as I can remember.” Johnson, a Republican, told The Associated Press he did not know the flag had come to represent the “Stop the Steal” movement. “Never heard that before,” he said. (AP)

A US Supreme Court Justice, acting as a Republican surrogate, a US Senator, sitting in the body of government deciding on the freedoms and liberties of Americans, and the Speaker of the House, the second in command to the Presidency, ALL, eagerly, hanging a flag, which represents the antihippy of Democracy, but showcases the worrisome vision of Nationalistic Christianity, and Fascism. And all three men can wield enough power to change the lives of all Americans.


Who can stop this madness, this “right in our faces,” fuck you to our Constitution, our way of life and our future? WHO!!!