Tuesday, May 14, 2024


 Louisiana Republicans Want to Make It Harder to Obtain a Medication That Stops Postpartum Hemorrhages It’s almost as though they don’t actually care about the “sanctity of life.” (VANITY FAIR)

A Texas case seeking to revoke the FDA’s approval of the safe and effective drug mifepristone—which was used in 53% of abortions in 2020—has “extraordinary” implications that go beyond the possibility of taking mifepristone off the shelves, said Rosen. The litigation also sets a dangerous precedent for court interference in the FDA’s scientific approval process. If the plaintiffs are successful, it “would be the first time a court has abrogated the FDA’s approval of a drug over the objections of the FDA,” (John Hopkins School of Health)


"There are going to be women that will die from pregnancy because of this decision, period," one OB-GYN said. (NBC News)


The Sanctity of Life, as in the life of a Zygote or Embryo, growing inside the womb. IT AIN’T ABOUT the life of the Mother; no, she happens to be a useful tool to hatch the baby. And once she hatches that baby, there is certainly little to no concern of its sanctity of life. The same people who pretend to be Pro-Life, are always reluctant to spend tax dollars on education, shelter, nutrition, protecting the climate, all of the necessary things to actually promote the sanctity of LIFE.


The sheer hypocrisy of these self-anointed GODS these self-appointed Medical Professionals, these selfish religious fanatics who have ZERO problem in promoting a double standard, pretending that they are PRO-LIFE, all the while diminishing any prospects for those lives to survive!