Friday, May 3, 2024

I AM, curious

 The southeastern United States is forecast to get struck by a heatwave next week which could see temperatures reach highs of 120 degrees, enough to start melting the asphalt in roads, in small areas of southern Texas according to one report. (NEWSWEEK)

I am curious, seriously, curious…if the effects of climate change actually affect the Red States, does that SUDDENLY, ACTUALLY, make climate change real? 


Three years later, many Americans see Trump through rose tinted glasses. (CNN)

I am curious, seriously, curious…is TRUMP the true Enemy of the State, or in reality, has TRUMP just permitted the Racists, Bigots, Homophobes Transphobes, Xenophobes, Misogynists, Anti-Semites, and Fascists to indulge in their ignorance and their hate, finally safely!


Arkansas, Missouri, and Texas all have laws that mandate women seeking a divorce to disclose if they are pregnant, and prohibit judges from finalizing the divorce if they are. No such law exists in Arizona, but judges in practice still will not finalize the divorce of a pregnant woman, according to the American Pregnancy Association. (Advocate)  

I am curious, seriously, curious…who are the Republicans and or MAGA Females who still vote Republican, who still support the Republican politicians, who pretend that eve, as females, making females CHATTE, is A-OKAY!


I am curious, how and why, while we know truths, the lies still remain. I am curious, how so many people still refuse to admit the facts, preferring instead the fiction. I am curious, seriously curious why in the world how STUPID, exists!