Thursday, December 9, 2021

a Foreign Land

 American democracy is tottering. It’s not clear Americans care. (VOX)


How much clearer can a headline sound, sounding an alarm as the wildfire of FASCISM and AUTHORITARIANISM, consume the freedoms, liberty, and equality of this nation? Right in front of our eyes, the ARSONISTS, have poured the gasoline, purchased the matches and lighters, posed with all the paraphernalia necessary to ignite the demise of DEMOCRACY. And our response so far, NADA/ZILCH/ZERO. 


The Dems are still infighting. The DOJ seems to be in a twilight sleep. Voters express minor outrage, as Gerrymandered Districts spread as quickly as the COVID Virus. Many of the Treasonists of Jan 6 are still free. The Republican Party acts as if Anarchy was written into the Constitution. If any action can be taken, this nation might have until the midterm elections of 2022, when and if THE MALAISE of STUPID, manages to muffle the minds of way too many Americans and AMNESIA claims the lifeblood of this NATION!


Am I overreacting? NOPE, I am looking at the headlines, reading the T Leaves of those who think that Inflation/The Price of Gasoline/The Supply Chain/ and saying no to Masks and receiving the Vaccine will somehow magically disappear if the GOP becomes the majority. Once Democracy dies in this Country of ours, this Country of ours becomes a FOREIGN LAND!