Thursday, December 16, 2021


 Some people always let their minds jump to the worst possible conclusions.

This is known as catastrophic thinking, or "catastrophizing."

It's a habit people get into for various reasons, and it can be difficult to break.

But it can be done, by learning to be logical and calm and having a support network of sensible people you can call when you feel out of control.


Before I was able to say the phrase “I AM WHO I AM, and during the period of actual acknowledgment that PERHAPS, MAYBE, I MIGHT, and WTF I THINK I AM GAY, my entire life was filled with “what if’s”/ “what if they’s”/I can’t let it happens/will they begin to ignore me’s, and a cornucopia of cruel and evil worries making my anxiety level flood and leaving me to drown as might the waves of a continuous tsunami! When I was actually able to speak my TRUTH, to MYSELF, I no longer had to dwell in the past, fear the future, or hide from the present. Often times I find that using a personal example clarifies, at least for me, the CONCERNS and CONFUSION, I TOO OFTEN discover in our current events and the cartoon characters starring in the latest HYPOCIRCY AND BULL SHIT politics and politicians, create!


Jim Jordan concedes he sent controversial Jan. 5 text to Meadows

Rep. Jim Jordan now concedes he sent one of the controversial texts to former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows ahead of the Jan. 6 attack. (MSNBC)/ Jim Jordan helped plot the coup. Now he's in line to be one of the most powerful members of Congress. If Republicans win the House majority next November — and they are currently favored to do so — then Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan will almost certainly rise to one of the most prominent positions in the chamber: Chairman of the Judiciary Committee. (Chris Cillizza)


Catastrophic thinking, or "catastrophizing,” Has once again gained control of my mind, and over the past five- and one-half years, has driven me to the point of a mind-boggling madness, in which I have to ask, DOES NOBODY ELSE SEE WHAT IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR FACES. I know the past, I am smothered by fear for the present, and I am PLEADING that the future does not turn out to be the UNDOING of this DEMOCRACY. Jim Jordan, a TREASONOUS/TRAITOR/INSURRECTIONIST, and maybe because Inflation is High, the Supply Chain is still not working, and Masks in Schools make people upset…many of the Cadre of Trump Anarchists will gain power. Jim Jordan knows who he is and wants to continue being such in the future!