Sunday, December 26, 2021

you should at least wait

 “You should at least wait, one day more, then you know for certain!” As my Grandma Braff, grew older, she would often say, the day after her birthday, I have also become wiser; wise enough to know that I have celebrated my birthday! My Grandma Braff, would show up for the holidays, but it was the next day, she would finally wish everyone, the expected greeting, of “Good,” or “Happy,” “Mazol Tov,” or “La Chaim!”


As I grew old enough to actually appreciate my Grandma Braff’s philosophy upon her life, and its adventures, detours, highways, and byways, I took the time to question (and as she would say “DISCUSS, AND NOT BE DISGUSTED,” about the “WHY’S and WHY NOTS,”) of and her position on the present and future, and not necessarily consider it JUST HER OPINION!  Her advice was simple, at least as she stated it. “If you live for today, how you will ever know, how that day turned out unless THAT DAY BECOMES TOMORROW!” At first, my brain would seem to crash when trying to figure out this convoluted message, but eventually, my mind would settle in on the content, and the insanity melded into sanity.


So today, Sunday, December 26, 2021, as I look back on the Christmas Holiday, knowing that despite, the idiots who declared COVID a Democrat created weapon, despite those coup loving Republicans who think waving the American Flag is the only true example of saving Democracy, despite the Right-Wing Hypocrites who demand their freedoms and not YOUR freedoms are Constitutional, I see that Christmas actually happened and that the “MERRY/GOOD/HAPPY holiday happened. And to those who celebrated the religious the cultural, or just the day off, my GREETINGS of love for you and to you!