Sunday, December 19, 2021

grains of sand

 I AM BACK! If you didn’t miss me, I understand, I mean just one less voice in the land of the Internet, it’s like looking at the sand on a beach and commenting, “I was here, yesterday, and I swear there were at least 2 billion, 50 million, 35 thousand four hundred and fifty-two grains of sand, and I think one is missing today! Exactly, what IS a missing grain of sand? EXACTLY, and that is my point, as I return to my trusty MAC, and ponder the poison in politics, and the people who seem to find great pleasure in potions of poison, as Dolly Levi, once stated, (Dolly "Gallagher" Levi: “Money, pardon the expression, is like manure. It's not worth a thing unless it's spread around, encouraging young things to grow.”) However in the decade of the Debacle known as Donald and his delusional douchebags, the quote may need some twerking, and might read, “Poison, pardon the expression, is a good as manure. It is not worth a thing unless it's spread around to every bigot, racist, homophobe, misogynist, anti-Semite, Fascist, encouraging their hate to grow!


I actually was FUSSING AND FUMING, RANTING AND RAVING, on Saturday, December 18, 2021, but could not find the wherewithal (what exactly IS WHEREWITHAL) to calm myself down and to sit at my computer and lament the lawlessness, lewdness, ludicrous, farcical, foolish, asinine and absurd intentional actions by GOP Congresspeople, Sinema and Manchin (wanna be GOP idiots), anti-vaxxers, seemingly happy with helping people commit suicide, the Partisan members of the Supreme Court who believe the Bible (the New Testament is law, and that if the laws were good enough for America in 1776, then BY GOD, THEY ARE GOOD ENOUGH FOR 2021! BUT, after APPROACH-AVOIDING my computer, and finally asking my husband Joe to lock the door to my office and throw away the key…I decided, to let one day go by without my SNARK/SARCASM/(and to brag a bit INSIGHT), but to always remain vigilant, and to remember that SILENCE EQUALS DEATH! 


So, I AM BAAAAAACK! By the way, the photo attached is of me sitting at my desk looking out at the world. Joe took the photo. As I look at it, some weird sensations come over me. First, I almost look like that “spooky old man staring out into space,” or “is that a ghost pondering his newly found haunt,” or, “Damn, I am one grain of sand on a beach, a VERY LARGE AND LONELY BEACH!”