Tuesday, December 7, 2021

we know the joke

 Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw did something rare in Republican politics over the weekend: He used actual facts to rebut a commonly held misconception.

"There's two types of Members of Congress: There's performance artists and legislators. The performance artists are the ones that get all the attention, the ones you think are more conservative because they know how to say slogans real well, they know how to recite the lines that they know our voters want to hear." Then Crenshaw drops the hammer, noting that the House Freedom Caucus members were some of the least loyal to Trump's agenda. "All of them," Crenshaw insisted.

"What you hear so often is not true," Crenshaw warned the audience. "We have grifters in our midst... in the conservative movement. Lie after lie after lie." (CNN Politics)


I share this story, not because of respect for Dan Crenshaw as a Congressman, NOR his own history of pseudo factual facts, BUT, this one time, at least for me, Rep. Crenshaw, has uttered the magic words, which at least might be the COUNTER CURSE, to the BULL SHIT spell most to many REPUBLICANS have set in place to turn America from a Democracy to an AUTHORITARIAN FASCIST REGIME!


Smoke and Mirrors, Stale Snake Oil, a Cauldron of Racism, Bigotry, Bias and Bogus, Lies and Deceit, Radioactive Ego’s, Enemies of All the People of America…we all know the tricks of the trade by McConnell, Cruz, Taylor Greene, Boebert, Jordan, McCarthy, Gosar! And we should have learned by now, the Farce, the Pie In Your Face, the Snark of people like Collins/Romney who feign the impression of compassion but prefer self-serving satisfaction. Rep, Crenshaw spoke a truth, one many of us have known, BUT somehow one ignored by the Media, and even the Democrat Politicians who somehow never get the punchline of the joke which is always on them!