Wednesday, March 1, 2023

another bit of hypocrisy

 GOP lawmakers across the country, in some cases emboldened by DeSantis’ ramped-up rhetoric, have introduced hundreds of bills this year under the medical freedom banner, including proposals to put lawmakers in charge of immunization requirements, ban the government from creating non-school-based vaccine mandates and allow citizens to challenge public health disaster declarations. (Politico) 

DeSantis is a very smart politician. He has used his Ivy League education (which of course he refuses to speak about), to manipulate a very uneducated group of Republican Base voters, to believe that somehow POPULISM is very cool and very right for their needs. His version of POPULISM is exactly like Fascism, as in AUTHORITARIANISM, as in he is the DICTATOR, and you are the PEASANT! DeSantis is the smarter version of TRUMP, he understands how to manipulate the HATE from the Republican Base, and he knows how to control their utter unintelligent behavior based on always identifying a new and more dangerous Boogie Man!


And of course, DeSantis is an expert regarding the use of HYPOCRISY!


DeSantis says that the PEOPLE need the right to agree or disagree with the Medical Community, it is an American RIGHT somewhere written in the CONSTITUTION. DeSantis insists that any vaccination is not GOD’S intention for his creations, NO, if you want to spread disease and death to your loved ones, by all CHRISTIAN MEANS, you have the right to do so. BUT, as any current Republican Politician, has stated, you DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT, if you are a FEMALE, to your own Reproductive Lady Parts, and if you are a CHILD, you certainly have no rights as a TRANS individual to your own body! 


And as Sonny and Cher once lamented, in the world of DeSantis, “the beat goes on…”