Wednesday, March 29, 2023


 The Tobacco Cartel, Internal industry documents show that tobacco companies knew smoking was a cause of cancer by the late 1950s, but deliberately funded scientific research intended to manufacture controversy and prolong the public debate about smoking and health, knowing that their product was dangerous for human health.


The Oil Cartel, Evidence shows that Big Oil & Gas knew as early as the 1960s that their products would lead to climate change, and that it could have disastrous impacts worldwide, knew about the effects of the impact of their products on changing our climate.


TWO huge Industries within the USA. TWO powerhouses using their profits to purchase POLITICANS own these same POLITICANS, and ignore the health and welfare of the people of the USA, let alone the entire world.


PROFITS OVER PEOPLE, PAYING POLITICIANS, PRETENDING all along that “there ain’t any HERE, here!”


The Gun Manufacturing Cartel, in accordance with their shill organization, the NRA, I am certain knows full well that their products, harm, and murder Americans. Yet, just like the Tobacco Cartel and the Oil Cartel, prefer their PROFITS over PEOPLE. And like the Tobacco and Oil Cartels, play Puppet Master to mostly the Republican Politicians who let themselves, willingly be Puppets.