Monday, March 13, 2023

Who will be NEXT

 State legislators are ramping up battles against the transgender community with a wave of bills aimed at restricting transgender freedoms, like limiting access to healthcare, preventing people from playing on sports teams as the gender they identify with and banning drag shows.

As of this week, there were more than 300 bills being considered in statehouses in 2023 specifically targeting transgender rights, according to LegiScan and Trans Track Legislation data. (GRID)


The racial policy of Nazi Germany was a set of policies and laws implemented in Nazi Germany under the dictatorship of Adolf Hitler, based on a specific racist doctrine asserting the superiority of the Aryan race, which claimed scientific legitimacy. This was combined with a eugenics programme that aimed for racial hygiene by compulsory sterilization and extermination of those who they saw as Untermenschen ("sub-humans"), which culminated in the Holocaust.(Wikipedia)


Who will be next! Not a question, but more of a statement. History happened, for good or bad, indifferent, or very precise, it happened. Any wanna-be AUTHORITARIAN understands fully, just how gullible his or her population of uneducated, self-loathing peasants are and can be. Choose a victim, bully them, and make them the reason why YOUR life sucks. Send in your version of BROWN SHIRTS/GESTAPO/ MILITIA to scare them, to accuse them let the Peasants carry their ammunition to pretend that THEY are the enemy.


What the FUCK is happening in America? How the FUCK are American citizens permitting the Racist, the Bigot, and the Stupid from becoming the norm. Not afraid because you are not Trans or know anyone who is Trans…just wait, because once that demographic is defeated, the AUTHORITARIAN must still be fed, and YOU might be next!