Monday, March 20, 2023

Just stop

 Where oh where are the so-called Moderate Republicans?  No where to be found when it comes to honestly addressing the criminal activities of Trump. Many are shouting that his crimes are nothing but Political retribution. (You know when republicans feign indignation because suddenly the bull shit they pulled is actually not bull shit, but actual truth in motion!) 

I am so sick of hearing any Media personality explain that the possible indictment of Trump is unprecedented. Instead, they should begin by stating, it is unprecedented for an ex-president while being the president, and now no longer the president, to have committed such an array of crimes, that he might even be INDITED. 


And please, PLEASE, Media, stop pretending that there will not be any sort of violence OR seditious and treasonous similar to January 6th, if and when Trump is INDITED. Have any of you no idea that the Fascists are still dreaming of overturning our Democracy. Have you no idea, that there are hate-filled enough, Domestic Terrorists groups from the Oath keepers to the Proud Boys, or the MAGA or the American Neo Nazi’s or the American Christian Nationalists, or the FOX Viewers, and the Republican Freedom Caucus, begging for a Second Civil War. PLEASE Media stop saying things like because Trump is not president, his followers will be less motivated to try and destroy America!