Friday, March 24, 2023

Watch what ya pray for

 Idaho hospital closes its maternity ward, citing the state’s ‘political climate’ Former patients of Bonner General Health will now have to drive at least 46 miles to find the nearest hospital providing prenatal, birth and postpartum care. (NBC News) 

HMMM. Maybe all of the Republican Legislators should work at the hospital. I mean since they know so much about how women should regulate their own bodies, then by all means these same MAGA GOP, should choose which day a week they can help these silly ladies out with their Liberal fake sickness of postpartum care, or that Communist bull shit of prenatal care.


OR, maybe, now that even some Republican women are actually going to feel the PRESSURE of BIG GOVERNMENT by REPUBLICANS, controlling their lives (not Trans, or Queer, or Drag Queen lives), these shoot yourself in your own foot Republicans just might consider voting DEMOCRAT!