Monday, September 9, 2024

And YET, again

 Groundhog Day continues in DC. Once again, the threat of a Government shutdown looms, not surprisingly, because once again, Trump has controlled and contained his Republican Fascists to NOT PERFORM THE BUSINESS OF THE PEOPLE…but instead, TO PERFORM AS CIRCUS ANIMALS FOR TRUMPS PLEASURE AND PERSONAL NEEDS. 

Congress returns from recess as shutdown clock ticks. (The Hill)


Preferring, of course, to PLEASE his MASTER, Mikey Johnson will pretend that the real culprit for Voter Fraud is the Dems who somehow believe that one person, one vote, is a primary tenant of Democracy. Preferring, of course, to IGNORE facts for the TRUMPIAN FICTION that the only reason TRUMP loses elections is because TRUMP sucks at being President. Preferring, of course, to REJECT the will and want of the people, Mikey Johnson is at the ready to hijack any and all reasonable and rational ways to govern America.


Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) is poised to kick off the process this week by putting legislation on the floor that pairs a six-month continuing resolution (CR) with a bill to require proof of citizenship to register to vote — titled the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act — a strategy favored by former President Trump and hardline conservatives. Democrats, however, have deemed the effort a non-starter, and some House Republicans are expressing skepticism about the gambit. (The Hill)


And yet, AND YET, people still vote Republican!