Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Bad people

 Nine more victims of the (Charlottesville, VA) violence are suing the rally’s organizers (Unite The Right Rally of 8-11-17) — relying on the post-slavery era Ku Klux Klan Act, which was established to protect former enslaved people from vigilante KKK violence and allows victims to sue in federal court.


This type of legal action, spearheaded by the nonprofit Integrity First for America, is unusual and historic in multiple ways. Although civil litigation has long been a strategy used to bankrupt and dismantle white supremacist groups — most notably in cases brought by the Southern Poverty Law Center against the Ku Klux Klan and Aryan Nations — this is the first time that victims of race-based extremist violence have sought to hold multiple organizational leaders accountable for the harm they experienced. (MSNBC-Opinion).


I will admit, I oftentimes have no idea how the legal system of this nation works. Especially during the FOUR ARDUOUS and DANGEROUS years of the Putin/Trump Administration in which my expectations of Justice, The Law, Bad Guys and Gals, and Bad Intentions and Consequences for Illegal Activity had grown dour and dismal, to say the least. (to say the most, what a fucked-up system of checks and balances). I did not want to TRULY believe that WEALTHY FOLK most likely could bribe or pay their way out of trouble, or that somehow along without paying a fair share of taxes, the Wealthy get a GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD…BUT it seems that the more you pay to get your way, the more you USUALLY GET AWAY WITH!


So, IT IS with great HOPE, I read this article, thinking perhaps, after too long of a WAIT, a ray of redemption will land upon this dreary democracy of ours, and THE BAD PEOPLE will finally beg the question, WHEN WILL BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO BAD PEOPLE!