Sunday, October 24, 2021

Pick One or All

 As Democrats negotiate over climate change provisions intended to be included in President Joe Biden's Build Back Better reconciliation package, new polling shows that less than half of Americans support proposals that would substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions. (Newsweek)….

A “shameful roster” of Republican House members overwhelmingly voted against holding Bannon in criminal contempt after he brazenly ignored a subpoena to testify as part of the investigation into the Jan. 6 insurrection, the newspaper noted. The Republicans are “once again running interference for a lawless ex-president who tried to overthrow a valid election,” the editorial added. (Huff Post)….

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Cable news flickered on the flat screen television in Ruth and James Jones’s living room. The CNN ticker read: “Biden lowers spending bill price in effort to lure Manchin and Sinema.” The couple watched and listened.

They are raising two grandchildren, ages 10 and 17, on a limited income — James’s part-time earnings as an Applebee’s cook and Ruth’s Social Security payments. Like thousands of other West Virginians, their financial burden has been eased since July by monthly federal payments, championed by the Biden administration, to support families with children. Now, however, those funds — which total $500 a month — could vanish if lawmakers agree to the demands of their own senator, Joe Manchin III. (The Washington Post)….


Pick and choose, if you wish, OR select all three, OR ignore the ravishes of selfish ignorance, the kind from which we eat our own and gorge on the sheer insanity of wishing that good never come our way! ------- So it seems Climate Change is just too icky to deal with now! It actually might mean having to give up all the extravagances from which a society built upon Capitalism/Cars/Cushy Life Styles/Gadgets, Gizmos, Greed/Abundance of Things and Stuff would make living the life, a bit more contemplative than consumer-ish. -------So now in order to remain on top of the hill, Kings of AUTHORITARIANISM-LAND, Heretics of Hypocrisy, denying the imposition of justice to the rest of American citizens, the one who still are trying to have Democracy succeed is a God-Given Right of the Right Wing. You AIN’T A BAD GUY, IF THE GUY YOU ARE BEING BAD FOR BRINGS IN THE VOTES! -------Ah, the sickening overly sour smell of a soiled Senator, still dank and dreary from bathing in the money that bribes can bring; kind of like a bad baloney sandwich, Senator Manchin, left out in the sunlight or is it the ashes of a polluted coal mine! Wealthy folk are in no mood for a Senator to represent all of the people!