Monday, October 4, 2021

Let Them Hear You

 “Go out and tell our story

Let it echo far and wide

Make them hear you, Make them hear you

How Justice was our battle

And how Justice was denied

Make them hear you, Make them hear you

And say to those who blame us

For the way we chose to fight,

That sometimes there are battles

That are more than black or white.” (Make Them Hear You/Ragtime/Lynn Ahrens)


Something new has been discovered in the ToolBox of the Rich and Infamous, the Rich and Politically Empowered, the Rich and 1% Percent Wealthy Owners of the Earth it is called the PANDORA PAPERS: The Pandora Papers, published on Sunday, is based on documents leaked to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalism (ICIJ) and exposed the offshore dealings of kings, presidents, and prime ministers. The Pandora Papers reveal how unusual offshore finances and secretive wealth have infiltrated global politics. Some of the people named in the papers are major political leaders in developing or impoverished countries, such as Jordan and Kenya. (Washington Post). If in fact, YOU are SURPRISED/ASTONISHED/or a WAVE of HOLY SHIT has overtaken your body, my question to YOU is WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN, ever since the days of RONNIE and NANCY REAGANS, “TRICKLE DOWN VODOO ECONOMICS, or better known as God Only Blesses the Rich in America, but we will fool you into believing God Blesses the average PEON!


Hmmm. So the ULTRA WEALTHY OWNERS OF THE EARTH, have had some of their secrets revealed, or is the word I am searching for REVILED! Seems these CON ARTISTS are a MELTING POT of demographics, so I suppose GREED/GLUTTONY actually have no barriers when it comes to RACE/ETHNICITY/GENDER. OFFSHORE ACCOUNTS/NON -EXISTING on PAPER ACCOUNTS/LABYRINTHS and HIDDEN CAVES, matters not the location, but somehow a part of the SECRET of a CULT of CREEPS has been opened, you know like that ever evil and interesting PANDORA’S BOX. I will continue to pursue and question and rant and rave. I will choose this next battlefield to demand the truth, BUT DAMN the odds seemed to be stacked and stacked against the average human!