Saturday, October 23, 2021

What to do

 I waited a day, tried to ignore my usual go-to, FACEBOOK, after all, I had a birthday, this one was number 72, and the love of friends and family still circled me as might the whirling winds of a waterspout in its infancy. Waterspouts during their creation are joys to watch, full of wonder, and always intriguing as to which direction they might next fly or just how quickly they might appear then dissipate. It is perhaps when a waterspout decides it must form into a feature larger and more dangerous that instantly, the very adorable freak of nature is now a feature of nature, from which one must run for cover.  So, on October 22, 2021, I casually glanced at my FB page, and dabbed a few responses, but said to myself, NO NOT TODAY, give it a bit of a rest.


I am torn, TRULY torn, in an emotional way, and a sense of brooding-ish malaise has found footing in my conscience. I have read some terrible decisions initiated by some of the BIG SHOTS at FACEBOOK; some intentional MALARKY, EXECUTIVES at FB had permitted to seep onto the once American fertile soil, almost as an insidious salutation to America, stating NO ONE IS THE BOSS OF US… (I may end up in FB jail, for expressing my opinion). I am dismayed, angry, and wish that the TRUTH of these whistleblower complaints could be proven or disqualified. I now have to decide what part I play in accepting the pathway of this SOCIAL MEDIA giant.


Selfish are my choices to stay or leave this platform. I have always believed in the phrase “SILENCE EQUALS DEATH,” so I have used my FB page to scream what I believe to be injustices and hypocrisy; to call them out, even though I am ONLY one small citizen. I also am motivated by the phrases, “ACT UP, ACT OUT, ACT LOUD,” and use my FB page to provide that “whack on the side of the head, that shovel to pick your head out of the sand, and moment of realization that bad things can even happen to good people. To not be able to SPEAK, to SHARE, to SAY SO, worry me.  I have met new people on FB, reconnected with people from my decades of experiences, and enjoyed learning some new facts from friends and family, and also glad to rid myself of those who no longer care to be a member of my village. What to do, what to do!