Friday, October 29, 2021

huh, personal what now?

 Tim Thornell has spent the past 18 months watching COVID-19 stalk his home state of Wyoming, killing more than 1,000 of his neighbors. "We are watching our friends and family and neighbors die in front of our eyes," said Thornell, CEO of Cheyenne Regional Health System, the state's largest. But Thornell, 51, has been reluctant to order his staff to get vaccinated, even though COVID-19 hospitalizations are as high as they've ever been. Instead, he's offering $600 bonuses or time off to tempt the approximately 20% of his staff who have so far declined to get a shot. (USA Today)


I do not know who Tim Thornell is, or was, or will be, but I read his tale of COVID concern, and suddenly got very pissed off, and actually never want to meet this guy…EVER! For me, Tim Thornell is a real enigma. It seems he understands the value of medicine, in this case, the Vaccine for Covid. It seems he grasps the very controllable loss of life from stupid people acting too stupid for their own good, let alone their own life. But then, SOMEHOW, the fallacy that personal freedoms are at risk, when those who claim personal freedoms, place the rest of us at RISK, just DOES NOT RESONATE, REASON, or seems RELEVANT. The awful thing for me, in reading about some stranger, is that he seems smart enough to do the right thing, but DESPITE all of that he acquiesces to the sheer conspiracy theories of men and women who seem to be happy planning the pre-meditated murders of not only other strangers but members of their own families.


PERSONAL FREEDOMS to choose what I like or don’t like…a female's right to her own body and decision about abortion or not…taking a knee when the flag of this nation is NOT representing “We The People,” …permitting all Americans the right to vote…fair taxation for all income brackets of American Citizens…let Transgendered people select the bathroom that identifies with their correct gender.  PERSONAL FREEDOMS, in the rotting age of TRUMP, is nothing but a bunch of self-centered people using bias, bogus, and bigotry, and a distaste for real democracy to take hold. ENOUGH of KOWTOWING to those who seem to prefer death over life!