Saturday, October 16, 2021


 According to an estimate published recently in the journal Pediatrics, at least 140,000 American children had lost a parent or caregiver because of the coronavirus by the end of June—meaning that one of roughly every 500 children lost one of the most important adults in their life. Susan Hillis, a co-author of the study and an epidemiologist at the CDC, told me that as of earlier this month, the total had reached at least 170,000. (The Atlantic)


I read this article and actually wept. I read this and I wept, and then I grew very angry. I read this and I wept, grew very angry, and asked anyone in range, WHY? I read this, wept, grew angry, asked WHY, looked around, and said to no one but perhaps myself, how is this even a thing? I read this and wondered why would any adult or parent or parent of a parent, or friend of a parent, or relative of a parent, PERMIT circumstances to become so INSANE AND INANE as to not insist, that anyone who comes in contact with a parent GET VACCINATED. And then of course I wanted to lash out at the mainly GOP politicians and purveyors of pre-meditated murder, and place SCREAM!


I am blessed to have two kids, now young adults. For each, the moment I saw that tiny head of t hair announcing their arrival into this world, MY WORLD changed in ways I could have never imagined, not only for the BETTER, THE BEST, FOREVER, but suddenly I realized the meaning of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Then and now, there IS nothing, NOT-A THING to change my heart or soul or love. So, WHAT THE FUCK IS SO DIFFICULT in getting VACCINATED??????