Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Here we go

 The case involves a Colorado website designer, Lorie Smith, who planned to expand her business to serve couples getting married. Because of her religious convictions, she wanted to post a statement on her site to say that she would not offer her services for same-sex weddings. But a federal appeals court ruled that her refusal and her proposed statement would violate Colorado’s anti-discrimination law. In a brief order, the Supreme Court said it would take up the case to consider “whether applying a public-accommodation law to compel an artist to speak or stay silent violates the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment.” 

First of all WHAT THE FUCK! Second of all FUCK NO! Third of all HOW THE FUCK!

Imagine if you will, and as I write this I am imagining IT! So, some homophobe uses her I AM A RELIGIOUS PIOUS PERSON, excuse for continuing to hate, and loath, in this case, IT IS the same-sex community. In a country in which there is no NATIONAL RELIGION, some homophobe claims her rights are diminished as she participates in doing business for the public, and in her case as long as that public is not interested in SAME-SEX STUFF! Her rights to free speech so she says are not being questioned, but her right to discriminate by NOT providing services for the LGBTQ community CERTAINLY IS AND MOST CERTAINLY SHOULD BE.


According to many Racist Christians, their Bible still insists that the Negro population is inferior to the Caucasian race. Pastors have preached that difference for decades and use their Bible as evidence for DISCRIMINATION. And many Anti-Semitic Christians still insist that unless the Jewish Race (yep they still think Judaism is not a religion but a race) convert to Christianity, nothing but evil should and will come to them. So, now what. If the Supreme Court (and look at the bunch of Conservative buffoons sitting on that Court) agree that some HOMOPHOBE can discriminate because her religious beliefs trump the Constitution, who will be next (AND BELIEVE ME ONCE THIS DAMN IS BROKEN, THERE WILL BE PLENTY OF NEXTS) …can’t sell to blacks because my Bible tells me, can’t sell to Jews, because it is inferred in my Bible. WHAT THE FUCK!