Tuesday, February 15, 2022

the covid continues

 House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, for example, published a tweet complaining about mask policies, saying it had been “conjured up by liberal government officials who want to continue to live in a perpetual pandemic state.” Soon after, Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn added, “The left likes lockdowns because it gives them control. They would like to have a permanent pandemic.” (MSNBC News) 

…The sad sick shame of this, shitty, sinister, and insincere protest, by the GOP throughout the Post -TRUMP dictatorship, is that mere lives are no longer of as much concern, as the noise, and nonsense of patronizing a pathetic parcel of peons, who may or may not vote in PRIMARIES and PERHAPS help elect more DYSTOPIAN and DESTRUCTIVE douchebags to further the demise of democracy! 


All of this was, of course, demonstrably ridiculous. If the left wanted the pandemic to last indefinitely, it wouldn’t advocate for policies that would end the pandemic faster.

Six months later, as Democratic governors start rolling back and loosening Covid restrictions, common sense suggests Republicans would be delighted. Instead, much of the GOP is complaining that Democrats are somehow insincere about their own policies. (MSNBC News)


…Even sadder, at least for me, is the way, WAY too many Democrats snap like old twigs on an even more decayed tree, as soon as a whirlwind of bull shit, and bogus, blow their way. Too bad the Democrats DO NOT ACTUALLY, have the “shock and awe”, Republicans complain about, and too bad, as the sands of time create a HABOOB (a giant wall of dust), the Dems must always double-check on their own backbones remaining intact!


Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell delivered floor remarks yesterday, rebuking Democrats, not for scaling back Covid restrictions, but for scaling back Covid restrictions for the wrong reasons. (MSNBC News)


…Moscow Mitch maneuvers among the mayhem and madness, he himself manages to manufacture, and then without any morals or values, his machinations of chaos and doom, prevail. No one ever finds the time to call out this HYPOCRITE SUPREME, and as if his own facts were never on the table, he changes direction, and is permitted to continue his BULL SHIT, as if it was his first time!