Saturday, February 19, 2022


 During the past few weeks, during my free time, I have found myself watching the most SCHLOCK RIDDEN of bad movies whose plots involve all kinds of Apocalyptic disasters mankind could possibly encounter. I have discovered that YOUTUBE, provides the greatest D List of movies directed and produced by some really untalented people, and the actors in the movies just beg for tomatoes to be thrown. The plots range from asteroids and comets smashing onto the Earth, all kinds of viruses known to humankind wiping out whole populations, climate change has gone terribly wrong, and normal animals and fish becoming horribly evil due to chemical leaks and spills. I think I know what is going on with me…basically, I am looking to the SCHLOCKIE movies for answers as to how to cope while living in the most HEINOUS of times; knowing sooner or later THE END IS NEAR! 

No matter the topic, or the catastrophe, no matter the diversity in local, or characters, there are a few VERY, COMMON DENOMINATORS contained in each movie; and those are either a compliant government, some very affluent and powerful wealthy people, obnoxious Corporations, and of course, when disaster strikes way too many of our neighbors turn into the worst kind of enemy anyone could wish. The movies made, may be an amateur hour of bad special effects, or chalk on the board dialogue, but to their credit, each movie does try and make a statement that waiting too long, denying the obvious, hoping humankind will be KIND, are often just wishful thinking.


During the past few weeks and months, I have watched as the monsters still roam free, how the witch burners are still permitted to carry matches, how the lies and fiction are piled on top of one another to create a horrific bonfire where truth, values and morals will go up in flames, and how good no longer counts, and BAD has become king! Sometimes I feel there is NO escaping the ravages of this Domestic War, and suppose, watching this plethora of APOCALYPTIC movie madness, which always does end in some kind of happily ever after, I might actually find hope!