Sunday, October 23, 2022


 Republicans see big gains over inflation, crime just ahead of midterm: Poll (Newsweek)


First, I must admit, NEVER, EVER, in my life have I been polled regarding politics. Secondly, I actually know very few folks who have been polled once in their lives, let alone often. Third, I try hard to ignore reading polls, because like so many other modern-day 15 minutes of fame wonders, this too is way too often a means of just PR, minus true facts, and now with the 24/news ratings game, it also becomes the Let Us INVENT a News Story. All of this is driven by way too many Media outlets. Fourth, however, when my wandering eye catches a HEADLINE regarding POLLS, so empty of meaning, I am urged to reply to the GODS of (Plastic Journalism, as in disposable but never renewable)


Democrats, it seems love to linger in the headlines when somehow the news about polling is favorable to and for them. Bragging and boasting become a bit obnoxious, I believe, as all of that chitter and chatter is like hot air, it will rise, and once it is all is used up it will fall. And most of the time as I see the leadership within the Democrat Party, begin to run around like the proverbial chicken minus a head. Republican leadership, owning no conscience muster their headwinds much easier, but just digging deeper and drilling at the fears the Dems project oh too well.


So here is my offering of the headline from Newsweek. Inflation is not a real thing, but an idea created by Corporations that prefer profits over people. These same Corporations fund the Republican Senators, who also believe in Corporate Profits over people because it is those Corporate profits that pay the Republicans to vote against any measure to control inflation. Crime. January 6 was the most heinous crime against this nation second worse since the Civil War. Crime is when women have no control over their bodies and are denied a choice. Crime is waged against women raped, but little effort is made to have the Rapist to face up to his crime. Crime. Children are restricted to embrace their own bodies, to understand their own sexuality. Crime. Antagonizing voters, denying voting rights.