Saturday, October 15, 2022



Acting so brave and so bold, presenting yourself as some kind of Christian Crusader, bullying Transgendered Kids, Drag Queens, and members of the LGBTQ Community. There you are standing on your Self-Proclaimed Christian Moral soap box, pontificating against Females who desire Freedom of Choice, yet looking the other way, once those kids created from Rape, Incest, and Molestation, are actually outside of the womb, requiring the basics of life, like shelter, medical care, education, and food!



A horse’s ass, you have been and remain, as in the hind quarters of America's most dangerous ASS, Donald J. Trump. No bravery sprouted from your mouth as you permitted Trump to rape and pillage America. Oh yeah, you wore your big boy pants on January 6, 2021, but then reverted to your attire of diapers, when it came time to place country over your own political interests. Where is that FIRE AND BRIMSTONE, you so bravely espouse against Women/LGBTQ/Immigrants, that Jesus Talk you love to spread as one might manure!



When did your soul die? When did your honor disappear? When did hypocrisy fill your veins? You have a whole lot of personal insight to share with America, regarding most of the ATTROCIOTIES, your seemingly real LORD, and MASTER, TRUMP performed, invented, and initiated; YET, MIKEY, the sin of SELFISHNESS remains your only true FEATURE!