Tuesday, October 18, 2022

let us begin

 Let’s begin, shall we?


Kari lake, the Trump Party candidate from Arizona, running for Governor. “I’m going to win the election, and I will accept that result,” the GOP nominee told CNN’s Dana Bash on “State of the Union” after being asked three times whether she would accept the election’s outcome. Lake dodged the question the first two times. “If you lose, will you accept that?” Bash asked to which Lake replied again: “I’m going to win the election, and I will accept that result.” I believe Ms. Bash should have asked this Election Denier, one more question, as should any Election Denier. Why is it that you will only accept the election results if you…IS THAT BECAUSE YOU EITHER HAVE RIGGED THE ELECTIONS YOURSELF OR PAID FOR OTHERS TO DO SO ON YOUR BEHALF!


YE has doubled down on his Anti-Semitic rants and bigotry. Musk, just can’t stop talking about much of anything, even trying to assist YE, in how to handle the issue of Anti-Semitism. Carlson spouts innuendo and garbage about the issue of Anti-Semitism. TRUMP continues to indulge the very sick and hateful bottom dwellers of society by threatening Jews if they do behave accordingly. Money, so it seems money, having lots of it, real, inflated, earned, owed an American public, mostly made by those who may live from paycheck to paycheck immediately identify being really wealthy as being really smart. STOP LETTING THE CRAZIES PRETEND THEIR OWN SHIT DON’T STINK, AND EVEN WITH MILLIONS AND BILLIONS NONE OF THAT BUYS INTELLIGENCE, DIGNITY, OR HONOR.


Actor Tim Allen, 69, questioned, "Who is the face of woke." The actor continued: "Do wokees have a club house in someone’s backyard or maybe a cute yet safe playpen somewhere?" (FOX News). Somehow we the people are being lectured that WOKE IS A DEMOCRAT PROBLEM. The GOP and their squad of Brown Shirts, assume that if the Democrats try to deny free speech it is a bad thing. COME ON DEMS, FIGHT BACK. When the REPUBLICAN GOVERNORS AND REPUBLICAN LEGISLATURES,  deny saying GAY, deny speaking about TRANSGENDER KIDS, and DENY HISTORY BASED ON FACTS, that is EXACTLY their form of CANCEL CULTURE. Maybe has been Tim Allen might find it easier to go play in the woke playground of his fellow REPUBLICAN  AUTHORITARIANS!