Saturday, October 1, 2022

what is next

 ‘Our community is wiped out’: low-income Americans likely to be hit hardest by Hurricane Ian (The Guardian)

After the Weather Channel and the Cable News “LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME” fools are finished parading in piles of water, done blowing in the wind, and standing beneath downed power lines… After, the television crews are finished finding folks who swear this was the worst weather event in their lives, or Political figures pontificate about how great they are in an emergency… AFTER that BECOMES the harsh reality of ONCE almost having something, and NOW having nothing at all!


No Insurance, because food, and shelter were the priority, and purchasing insurance could not be an item in an already diminished budget. No saving account, because, needing to just eke out a day-by-day existence was the priority. 


NATURE has no favorites or enemies when it strikes. It knows no difference between race, or income, or religion, or political affiliation; it is only HUMAN BEINGS, who tend to those matters. In matters of any disaster both rich and poor can suffer the consequences, but often times after the disaster, too often it is the poor who remain the victim.