Sunday, October 9, 2022

COOL WHIP, again

 I will review the Cool Whip situation, once again. Cool Whip was an item, growing up, of which I never tasted, not had as a grocery item purchased by my parents. Not until I met Joe, my husband, had I even considered Cool Whip anything but a frivolous unnecessary frill. Cool Whip was one of Joe's favorite nonfood foods. After a few years of ignoring that blue and white plastic bowl and the white froth unfurled on top of cookies, or graham crackers, I decided to try a taste test, and, wham bam thank you, Gods, of man-made food, I became hooked. And thus a love affair with chemically induced Cool Whip began to flourish. 


Living in North Truro, a selection of nearby Grocery Stores is limited. Travel 10 minutes to Provincetown or perhaps 30 minutes off-peak time, about 45 minutes during the summer to Orleans. Our P-Town Grocery Store, during non-summer days, buy Cool Whip for as cheap as $2.25, from June to mid-October, spend at least $3.45. Same chemically enhanced sugary fluff in the same produced blue and white plastic bowl, the same trucks schlepping to P-Town every third or fourth day, same Grocery Store employees placing the Cool Whip inside the freezers. 


IT AIN’T ABOUT THE COOL WHIP. IT IS ABOUT inflating the cost of goods, increasing the profits, denying that greed is not a good thing, and pretending that once we say it’s a CAPITALISTIC characteristic, it should not be questioned. IT AIN’T ABOUT THE COOL WHIP. IT IS ABOUT, nothing ever trickling down, except water, ignoring the needs of the many to fill the pockets of a whole lot less, pretending that INFLATION is a natural phenomenon, insisting this man-created invention somehow has a mind and a will of its own.


Why is it that when prices go high, those already in a higher tax bracket see their profits go higher, but most anyone else does not? This is not a blog about either or, as in Socialism/Communism OR CAPITALISM; more of a commentary as to why not find some better kind of compromise so all of us can afford to eat, sleep, and stay healthy!