Friday, October 28, 2022

Just quit

 Neo-Nazis, Antisemites, and the N-Word: Twitter Just Hours Under Elon Musk

The very first hours of Musk’s stewardship of Twitter have been dominated by users relishing their ability to use profane slurs and racial epithets. (VICE)


Maybe it is an easy solution for me because I have never had a TWITTER account, but I believe that just dropping out of TWITTER, is the easiest way to demonstrate one’s personal loathing of HATE. It is much simpler than a BOYCOTT or WOKE-ISM, or CANCEL CULTURE, it IS, it seems to me, a very basic action stating to Elon Musk, he is a fool, even if can invent electric cars and spacecraft. I tend to believe Musk suffers from a form of Narcissism. No Psychiatrist here, but for me, when any person believes they can shit and it will be your lucky day to clean it up, something has gone terribly wrong in the having a conscience department.


As a Capitalist, I also have to wonder, even with his billions and billions of dollars, how Musk might have to rethink his theory that hate speech has no consequences, ideology. Will it matter to Musk to lose billions OR might it matter more that his ego might suffer, by real people owning real empathy, leaving Twitter, replaced by folks who honestly spend more time praising Hitler, hating anyone who is not them, and voting for a political party that once it establishes a super majority will disband Democracy?


So, as I see it, just like voting this November, you follow through with your disgust of evil people and vote BLUE, you follow through with your disgust of people who find the likes of Bigots, Racists a kind of cool thing and say bye, bye Twitter. I bet your life will still go on. But imagine if you embrace a Social Outlet that permits Neo-Nazis, Antisemites, and the N-Word to thrive, how long will their lives go on…and what happens if you think you need not worry because you are not Jewish or Black. those who burn witches still carry their torches.