Monday, October 10, 2022

Self Resignation

 Nury Martinez resigned as L.A. City Council president after audio of her making racist statements and disparaging other politicians was leaked. (Los Angeles Times)

Ms. Martinez is a Democrat. The majority of her LA City Council members are Democrats. The city government in LA has been and is Democrat. 


Democrats, who if they ignored the Racist remarks, would still remain the majority. HOWEVER, Nury Martinez who has stated she made racist comments, resigned from her position as LA City Council President and apologized, by admitting to her comments and not by using the usual, “IF YOU THINK I OFFENDED YOU, I AM SORRY FOR THAT.” 


REPUBLICANS, on the other hand, seem to be rewarded with the Racist/Bigoted/Homophobic/Misogynist/Anti-Sematic/Xenophobic they proudly make. REPUBLICANS on the other hand, never apologize for their ignorance but insist that those who complain about their ill will are nothing but snowflakes and the true reason why there is a divide in America.


I am not naïve that LA city politics within the Democrats have also played a part in this, but Nury Martinez apologized, and resigned…imagine for a moment if TRUMP, Greene, Gosar, Gaetz, and Cruz just to name a few had the courage to EVER admit their own failings, and act accordingly!