Sunday, October 16, 2022


 “Rows and flows of angel hair

And ice cream castles in the air

And feather canyons everywhere

Looked at clouds that way.” (‘Both Sides Now’/Joni Mitchell)


October 16, 2022. A balmy 68 degrees. Walking along Commercial Street in Provincetown. Weird to see the witches, ghosts goblins, staring out from store windows, while watching the steel-blue water of the Atlantic ebbing and flowing. Growing up in Pittsburgh, with Halloween on the horizon, thoughts of the sandy beach were only left to collect in the memories of my mind. Only 16 days until Halloween. I love to be mesmerized by monsters, creatures, and aliens from faraway planets. My imagination is my passport to the haunts, the creaky attics, the dangerous and dreary basements, the shadows where the spookiest of THINGS hide and of course dwell.  


But more recently, as in the HORRIFIC TIMES OF TRUMP, what frightens me more than the macabre of fictitious phenomena is the thought of American Election Day, the Mid Terms, taking place on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, when the madness of the maniacs may lay to rest our Democracy.  If we the people, are still arguing over the violent call for arms, initiated by TRUMP, for his legions of Bigots, Racists, Misogynists, Anti-Semites, and Xenophobes, to plan a COUP, still insisting there are two sides. After watching the videos, hearing first-hand accounts, and recognizing the deaths of Capitol Police, the HORROR PLAYED OUT IN FRONT OF OUR OPEN EYES, there is still a concerted effort by the Republican Party to deny the call for a COUP. If truth is being tortured, still, I worry that come Tuesday, November 8, 2022, it will die.


Walking on Commercial Street, I looked at clouds. Never one to actually claim I just saw… I did see an angel, with very wide wings. For good, I hope, for good!