Wednesday, October 17, 2018

a few minutes

I took my allotted amount of morning news time, cautiously, carefully, sitting in front of the television, wondering which or what or how many items of reporting could I muster before having to call the EMS or 911. The repetitiveness of an insecure male, name calling females, the unfathomable idea that the deaths of journalists are not so offensive to the leader of the supposed free world, the undeniable respect for paying taxes, and taking loans from foreign advisories, the constant lies, and the waves of Klans People minus the white robes and sheets; have all been reason for me NOT to indulge in watching the news…because, in reality, it should be called the OLDS!

But today, I permitted myself 10 minutes, it was early, so I thought, surely, whatever bull shit is laid bare for the public to smell would evaporate by midday. A Republican strategist said she too was appalled by the derogatory name calling always falling from Trump's tongue, but her donors, look past that as if it is some kind of tick as if to say, well that's just Trump. The GOP Talking Head insisted that its HIS policies that keep their support alive (HIS POLICIES! What policies…having more money put into his pockets). Then the same GOP strategist suggests that White Suburban Women have not yet become upset by Trump's misogynistic personality. (So now White Suburban Women have turned into the same kind of jerks as a Sheldon Adelson, who couldn't care less about good Nazi’s and Bad Nazi’s, or this demographic of the female has turned into the Log Cabin Republicans who believe that finances are more important than equality.) And all this time I thought it was his Klan’s People who were the self-loathing, shoot themselves’s in the foot, mindless minions.

Then it was time for a little bit of Donnie Jr, time. He is out canvassing for his father, loved by the MAGA maniacs, believing that little Donnie, is the same moral entity Jesus has placed on Earth to make life better. Little Donnie, with a large cloud of criminal intent over his head, just pooh-poohed any notion that he or his family even knew single Russian. And, much to my surprise, was a lady looking just like Melania standing by his side, who, I discovered was his newest wife. Just as I was about to barf, there was a Breaking News item, permitting me to take a drink of water to contain the barf…Trump with his puffy face and pursed lips and empty eyes was not too perplexed but insisted that HE NEVER makes decisions about anything until he gets the facts (that barf feeling re-arose) and Trump decade that so far the King and Prince were innocent of any heinous crime like murder. 

And that was it…I had to turn off the TV, realizing that, Voter fraud is going on in North Dakota, and Georgia,,, victims of the Hurricanes in Puerto Rico, and now the Florida Panhandle are still suffering…the Republicans gift to the wealthy will result in the demise of Social Security, Medicare and Obama Care…nothing of real effort have been done to stop Russian hacking in the Mid Terms…and the Trump Crime Family is still not in jail…another day and evil are still out in front, while good is dying a slow painful death along with justice, freedom, and equality!