Friday, October 12, 2018

just guessing

I am guessing, because one of the places called Panama Beach and the other place, Mexico Beach were two of the towns devastated by Hurricane Michael, Trump considered them foreign nations as he did Puerto Rico, and also thought perhaps most of the residents were of a brownish color and must not have spoken English…so why bother to even pretend to muster any empathy for its victims. I am also guessing that to engage the Negro voter, Trump decided to have Kanye sit in the Oval Office, and demonstrate that the words of wisdom coming from a self-serving idiot were just as promising to the Negro voter as was the all the STUFF Dr. King said…one easy way to get the Negro to vote for the Orange man because they really don’t know the difference!

I am guessing that the Saudi’s are now the new bankers for the Trump Crime Family! Although the Russians still hold the tapes and video full of blackmail and creepy activities, and the Chinese still own a majority of the bank loans for Trump properties, it is the Saudi Royalty which has now mesmerized Trump and Jared. Trump wants to be King and Jared a Prince. Oh, true authoritarianism, with the ability to shout off with their heads to the journalists who report the truth. And who said Jews and Arabs cannot get along, you got Jared Kushner and his best bud Mohammad bin Salman, scheming and partying at the expense of freedom and democracy. 

I am guessing it is not only foreign nations that have hacked elections in the United States. Just look at the Republicans in Georgia, and Texas, trying their best to dump Americans from any kind of voter registration or making it almost impossible to find a polling place. The Republicans have always understood that one person one vote was never in their favor. I am also guessing that Nikki Haley, just didn’t resign her position from the UN, it seems now, like most other Trump Cabinet appointees, she too has been caught up in dark money payoffs or just ripping off the public in broad daylight.

And worst of all I am guessing none of this matters any longer to the GOP. Standards no longer exist, only crime, greed, and gluttony. I am guessing God just doesn’t want to bless America that much, any longer.