Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Road Trip

On the Road with Melania! “She had always envisioned that Africa would be her first solo international trip,” Stephanie Grisham, her communications director, said. “She is interested in Africa because she has never been before and knows that each country will have its own unique history and culture.” The White House has not yet publicly detailed Mrs. Trump’s itinerary, citing security reasons. But Mrs. Trump is scheduled to visit schools, hospitals and tourist sites over the course of six days. She is expected to weave in elements of her child-focused platform, “Be Best,” as she visits with children. (NYTimes)

WTF, no seriously with as much discourtesy as possible, WTF, First Lady…Have you heard about South Texas, and the kidnapped kids lingering in caged fences, maybe some permitted in the hot, dank, humid air of Texas in the summer, playing soccer or kick the can on dust so dense even animals avoid it? How about Puerto Rico, First Lady, have you heard about the villages located outside the main populated cities whose kids ARE not going to school, because essential services such as food water and utilities are STILL not running. Have you heard about Appalachia, you know the place where they all wear their MAGA hats but are dying from black lung disease, malnutrition, poor education, living below the poverty line. Hey First Lady, have you heard about Flint Michigan, where today two years after the Republican legislature decided pointing kids was a Christian value, are still NOT drinking safe and healthy water. WTF, Melania, are you as stone deaf and blind as a bat as your fraud-ridden, despot, criminal husband?

And WTF, First Lady “Be Best,” did you hear your husband mock Dr. Ford at one of his Klan rallies in Mississippi? Have you listened to his buddies, the other group blackmailed by Putin, the GOP as they dismiss, Fords testimony as a crazed lady? And even though he is not from your loin, Donnie Junior, you know one of the Trump kids from the first Mrs. Trump, imply that he is worried about his boys. Did you bring Barron with you Mrs. First Lady, or have you left him back in the White House so he too could learn to grab women by the pussy! Oh, Lady, you are as much a cartoon as your husband…you certainly must be making a pretty penny staying with Trump, cause if you are not then you are as dangerous and delusional as the Trump. On the Road Melania, any place but here, really impressive!