Monday, November 1, 2021

again and we know

 (“If you know it already, and do it again, and then say why, and worry others might do the same, you are a liar or crazy, most likely crazy! (“Aoyb ir visn es shoyn, aun ton es vider, aun demolt zogn vos, aun zorg az andere zaln ton di zelbe, ir zent a ligner oder mshuge, ruv mstma mshuge!”) my, Grandma Eva Braff


When it came to any sentence spoken in Yiddish, other than “Oy vey” a phrase expressing dismay or exasperation such as woe is me.  Or  “Kine hora”  a contraction of three Yiddish words: kayn ayin hara, literally “not (kayn) the evil (hara) eye (ayin); my siblings and I knew IMMEDIATELY someone was either in trouble, someone was caught doing something no one was supposed to know about, OR as we grew older, any lengthy sentence in Yiddish, inserted with a recognizable name, followed by a GRIMMACE, A SEVERE SHAKING OF ONLY THE HEAD, or a “POO-POO-POO” AND SOME SPITTLE, one of our relatives had been caught cheating or discovered as an alcoholic! Sometimes when Grandma Braff and I would play Gin Rummy (she swore she never cheated, always seemed to win, and when it came to cards, it was every Grandchild for themselves), my Grandmother would share her views on the world and the people for whom she said, “only think they live on Earth,” and would speak in Yiddish, translating into English, her dismay and disgust for No Goodniks!


A poll released Monday by the Public Religion Research Institute is the latest to show that, even after the tumultuous events of Jan. 6, a large number of Republicans — 3 in 10 — believe violence might be justified “to save our country.”

What this poll adds to the dialogue is how much that overlaps with belief about a stolen election. Among those who believe the 2020 election was stolen from Trump, support for justified violence rises to 39 percent. (Washington Post).


We know, already, and we have watched the evil done, again and again, we worry that others will do the same evil as done before, and all we are doing so far, is reporting it, reading it but some never RESOLVING IT! – Gerry Buncher, Grandson of Eva Braff.