Sunday, November 14, 2021

President Biden

 Dear President Biden, 

I am young too young to have been part of FDR’s Fireside Chats, but old enough to have parents as the audience as President Roosevelt spoke to all Americans. I am old enough to have experienced the 1960’s and protested as Presidents then lied to America regarding Viet Nam, and sadly way too old to have experienced the four years of TRUMP and his disregard for Democracy, and his continuing regard to making America Fascist. 


I write you this letter, never really knowing if you will see it, let alone read it, but I write this letter because I have reached my wit's end, and each day, as the news professes that your popularity is slipping, I worry! I voted for you Mr. President, I believe in you, Mr. President, and for the sake of the next generations of family and friends I want you to succeed. But Mr. President, what EXACTLY are you doing, or is it not doing to convince the AMERICA people that you are aware of the concerns and questions, and confusion way too many of us feel?


I referred to President Roosevelt in my first paragraph. I mentioned HIS Fire Side Chats, and HIS ability to communicate almost one on one with very anxious and wary Citizenry. From anecdotes by my parents and grandparents, and history itself (I am one of the millions of Americans who believe in) HISTORY it seems FDR was quite successful in curbing lies, innuendo, and falsehoods. I beg you, President Biden, please make yourself seen and heard almost once a week or twice a week just so the MAGA, the FOX News Minions, and the GOP stop creating LIES!


Yours with respect,

Gerry Buncher, American Citizen


(I sent this letter on Sunday, November 14, 2021, to the White House)