Sunday, November 7, 2021

Then and NOW

 The INDECENCY of the IDIOTIC, INDULGING in nothing but INCIPID INTERCOURSE, used only to push a private agenda of fear and phobia, paranoia, and POMP-ASS! Without any rationale except hoping the BOGUS claims keep them famous, two POLITICIANS (of course both from the Republican Party) have taken on television characters and have pretended simple messages of life, liberty and freedom are nothing but PROPAGANDA!


2021-Ted Cruz condemns Big Bird for advocating Covid vaccines for kids. The Texas senator Ted Cruz led conservatives in condemnation of a much-loved public figure for advocating Covid-19 vaccinations for children. Big Bird. Big Bird, who despite his vast size and to some slightly overbearing mien is according to the beloved show perpetually six-and-a-half-years-old, announced on Saturday that he had been vaccinated. “I got the Covid-19 vaccine today!” the hulkingly benevolent yellow avian announced, using an appropriate communications platform, Twitter. “My wing is feeling a little sore, but it’ll give my body an extra protective boost that keeps me and others healthy. [CNN reporter] Erica Hill even said I’ve been getting vaccines since I was a little bird. I had no idea!” Cruz responded: “Government propaganda … for your 5-year-old!” (The Guardian)


1992-The most famous example of the original Murphy Brown making national headlines for its intersections with the real world came in 1992 when the show was at the center of a drawn-out controversy with then-Vice President Dan Quayle. At the time, title character Murphy Brown, a recovering alcoholic and hardworking TV journalist, had consciously decided to raise a baby on her own. It was a controversial choice, and one derided by Quayle, who blamed the character for the breakdown of family values in a May 1992 speech. (TIME)


Teddy Cruz and Danny Quayle both feign the indignity of being offended by children who somehow should be left to their own devices once they exit the WOMB and enter the HOME! BOTH MEN, pretend to be appalled if keeping a CHILD healthy is assisted by government programs, government urgency, and government funding. BOTH MEN prefer to have the government intervene in the issues of to have an ABORTION or Not to have an ABORTION, but SHOUT AND POUT, THREATEN AND SCREAM if GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE is used to keep children and families SAFE AND SOUND! BOTH MEN were and are HYPOCRITES!