Tuesday, November 30, 2021


 “Have you ever felt like nobody was there?

Have you ever felt forgotten in the middle of nowhere?

Have you ever felt like you could disappear?

Like you could fall, and no one would hear?” (You Will Be Found/Benj Pasek)


Most of those who are remembered at The AIDS Memorial are unknown, while a tiny few aren’t, though even those who are in the latter category have receded so far back they’re being lost to memory if they haven’t already done so. But what this brilliant and crucial accounting of lives does is simple: It asks us to engage with each and every person’s story, so that we can honor them and what they went through with dignity and respect. (Vogue).


I originally was to write my BLOG, with greater anger than usual, as I read and re-read how WAY too many TRUMPSTERS (aka Anarchists, and wannabe Fascists) have decided that the death and dying, the morning and loss of people who have died from COVID has somehow become a political ploy or worse, one more point of propaganda for the ilk known as Republicans. I became inundated with the STUPIDITY of groups of people either uneducated in the SCIENCES/MECIDINE/ or so BIGOTED AND RACIST, that lack of common sense, has left them SENSELESS, and in my opinion, INSANE! And then a thought entered my brain, trying its best to not drown in the DUMB AS SHIT RESIDUE, spilling out like raw sewage from FOX/the GOP Leadership/ and MAGA… why not follow the actions of the LGBTQ community, and read the NAMES of the innocent who died, because way too many of the GUILTY wanted to ignore suffering, death, dying, and preferred their own HATE to TRUTH. I believe every day, every paper in the land, and every news outlet, no matter how large or small their community may be, should read the names of the unknown who have died due to COVID. As the NAMES Project intended, we can provide, DIGNITY AND RESPECT, and SHAME the FOOLS who declare it otherwise…


And then, before I decided to post my BLOG, this happened…Law enforcement officials say that three students have been killed and six others have been injured in a shooting at Oxford High School in suburban Detroit. (MSNBC) And I thought, I am just as angry by the death by guns and the men and women who use them to murder, and decided, why not begin to list the names of ALL the victims of mass shootings, and individual’ killing spree… Sadly many to most of the people who pretend MURDER BY WEAPONS is not real, just as DEATH from COVID IS NOT REAL…