Friday, November 26, 2021

evil grows

 Tucker Carlson Is One Week Away From Adding Kyle Rittenhouse to His Family Cell Phone Plan

The Fox News host is full of praise for a guy who killed two people. (Vanity Fair)


My lips grew gnarled, stretched in an awkward shape forming into a weird simulation of the infinity icon. I felt a pain fly across my eyes, it then moved slowly toward my temples, and like a riverbed, in the path of a flash flood, the intensity of the wave of pain rushed onto the nerves at the nape of my neck. My gut shouted, “MY TURN,” and a bit of nausea traversed to the spot where my rib cage and esophagus meet, and I felt as if someone kicked me in my solar plexus. I did not want to read this article, HONESTLY, I tried to ignore it, thinking aloud, don’t give this monster Tucker anymore oxygen, and certainly don’t permit a person who murdered two people any more hype; BUT my conscience kicked in and speaking for the rest of my emotions insisted I read about this IMMORAL act and shout out how WRONG, ROTTEN, and INSIDIOUS Tucker Carlson has become, and how much he enjoys HIS NEWLY CROWNED HONOR of becoming FOX’s VILLIAN!


In a world not knocked upside down, PRAISE and PROMOTION of anyone murdering even a single person in cold blood, would seem a sin of proportions so large, that a life time in prison might not be enough JUSTICE. BUT, here we have Tucker Carlson, acting as a might a Vampire, sipping on the blood of the murder victims, chomping on the arteries of RACIST and BIGOTED Americans, whose only delight in life, it seems is to celebrate the vilest of human kind. Making Rittenhouse a hero, for the slaughter of two and the injuries of another. But then TUCKER has become the NEWEST STAR of FOX, besting Ingraham, and Hannity in being the most DESPICABLE DOUCHEBAG, the Murdoch Family can promote; begging the question, why are so many Americans remaining silent while this EVIL GROWS LOUDER AND LOUDER!