Thursday, November 4, 2021

To eat your own

 Well, Heck and Damn! Screw over democracy because some of the WAH-WAH parents don’t want their kids wearing masks to school, and that bad boy Biden is making their kids safer, healthier, and perhaps going to live a longer life, and who IS he to even think about doing that! (These by the way seem to be the same parents who as children received enough vaccines to keep them alive, to actually have kids!) So now we are no longer to be a woke nation, say the bigots and bogus, who hide behind their own ism’s and phobias and anti’s like Race-Homo and Semite. Woke is too human, too inclusive, too honest, too Democrat, let's vote them out of office, and show them what being a real American is all about!


History never happened, and those who say they did are nothing but Communists, Socialists, Progressives, and Liberals, we all want to become Fascists, and Authoritarianists, we want to embrace THEOCRACY/PLUTOCRICY, AND have a Dictator who can lead us to a land of the One Per Cent as the ruling class or is it the Monarchy!


Hey Manchin and Sinema, no Filibuster, eh, cause your Puppet Masters to prefer having Democracy die. Hey Progressives and Moderates and Elite Democrats, wanna still fight among yourselves because somehow your egos TRUMP the good of the common person, or is it that you want TRUMP to make a comeback. Maybe only a few months to go Dems, until the Do-Nothing Party is once again the Never Will Do A Thing Party. You bet I am pissed and tired of once again the Dems eating their own!