Saturday, November 6, 2021

you made me hate you

 “You made me love you

I didn't want to do it

I didn't want to do it

You made me want you

And all the time you knew it.

I guess you always knew it.

You made me happy sometimes

Sometimes you made me glad

But there were times, dear

You made me feel so bad. “(You Made Me Love You/Joseph McCarthy)


I read two headlines today, both of which come as no surprise, but both of which make me oh so ANGRY. So instead of the lyrics to this 1913 song, ‘You Made Me Love You,’ I started humming the tune and replaced the word love with HATE; as in YOU MADE ME HATE YOU… SCOTUS appears to suggest New York gun law infringes on Second Amendment. A majority of Supreme Court justices seemed to lean towards ruling that the Constitution provides a right to carry a gun outside the home, but seemed willing to allow restrictions on guns in crowded public places (MSNBC)… ‘It’s inexcusable’: Doctor says NFL shouldn't let Aaron Rodgers play again after Covid lie. Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers, who indicated earlier this year that he was "immunized" but did not receive a Covid vaccine, will miss the team's next game after reports surfaced that he tested positive for Covid-19. Dr. Irwin Redlener describes Rogers' lie as "inexcusable," and says he doesn't believe the star player should be allowed to return to the league. (MSNBC).


I understand HYPOCRISY and CAPITALISM. Both of these words seem more and more to fall like poison arrows from the mouth of way too many Americans, who love to justify how UNFAIR, AND UNEQUAL rules and regulations are handled in this nation! But the MORE and MORE blatant demonstration or is it DISREGARD for FAIR AND EQUAL, sometimes feels like I am being TORTURED as in WATERBOARDING, where the idea of drowning seems so real, and yet there is no really deep body of water in which I am floating! This not so SUPREME, SUPREME COURT, is all about permitting abortions to become the law of the land, declaring somehow the FETUS and ZYGOTE have a right to life, but once they leave the womb, those rights are usurped by the permission of having guns carried, GUNS which can kill when used by the people who wish to do so. And then, the NFL, greedy ghouls, are okay with Aaron Rodgers acting almost Patient Zero regarding the spread of COVID but seem to all have had a hissy fit of sorts when Colin Kaepernick, took a knee for justice and equality. One man can spread a disease (COVID), the other man trying to quelch a disease (INEQUALITY)