Thursday, November 18, 2021

Sons of Frankenstein


The Movie-FRANKENSTEIN (1931) --- This iconic horror film follows the obsessed scientist Dr. Henry Frankenstein (Colin Clive) as he attempts to create life by assembling a creature from body parts of the deceased. Aided by his loyal misshapen assistant, Fritz (Dwight Frye), Frankenstein succeeds in animating his monster (Boris Karloff), but, confused and traumatized, it escapes into the countryside and begins to wreak havoc. Frankenstein searches for the elusive being, and eventually must confront his tormented creation. (Rotten Tomatoes) Since its release, at least a dozen other FRANKENSTEIN movies had been produced, and offshoots such as Son of Frankenstein…Bride of Frankenstein…Lady Frankenstein…Frankenstein Reborn…Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed…House of Frankenstein…The Curse of Frankenstein…Victor Frankenstein…I. Frankenstein…Young Frankenstein…The Horror of Frankenstein…and in the year of 2016, TRUMP FRANKENSTEIN, and the year 2021, TED CRUZ WANNA BE TRUMP FRANKENSTEIN.


It seems the 2016 FRANKENSTEIN movie, THE ORANGE CURSE OF TRUMP-EINSTEIN, was a hit among the many Americans thriving on Racism/Bigotry/Bogus/Bias/Fascism/Authoritarianism/The Demise of Democracy/ and an adverse reaction to Truth/Knowledge/Science/Medicine/Education/Facts and the Constitution. Ever since Mary Shelley’s novel became a movie, more and more people have tried to claim the honor of becoming the Kings or Queen of Horror. As the 2024 Election year looms upon a horizon wrecked with dismay, disarray, doom, and destruction, it also seems more and more TRUMP-EINSTEIN REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES are also claiming to be as much a monster as TRUMP and have acted in the most sordid and sick ways. Ted Cruz so far has out TRUMPED the rest of the wanna-be monsters and has no remorse in doing so. 


Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wy., responds to Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, after Cruz accused Cheney of having 'Trump derangement syndrome'. Rep. Cheney says 'Trump broke Ted Cruz'.

Cheney told CNN reporter Melanie Zonona that former President Donald Trump "broke" the Texas senator. "A real man would be defending his wife, and his father, and the Constitution," she said. The Wyoming congresswoman appeared to be referencing Trump's infamous attack on Cruz's family during the 2016 presidential race, including his posting a meme of an unflattering photo of his wife, Heidi. (Newsweek)