Friday, June 10, 2022


 When I was young, I believed that the BOOGY MAN would be held at bay by simply hiding under MY sheets. When I was young I imagined the BOOGY MAN to manifest into a variety of shapes and sizes from a Space Alien, one of the Creatures I watched on Chiller Theater, or some kind of Monster described on KDKA TV, as Bill Burns anchored the 11:00 PM News and warned us of Bad People! For some strange reason, I felt a little safer under my own blankets and actually knew that hiding worked, because there I was the next day, ALIVE!

I watched the first SELECT COMMITTEE hearings. I did not learn much more than I had already read about or witnessed prior to watching television. BUT DAMN, a long thin shard of fear began to claim the hairs on my body, closing in on my lungs causing them to work extra hard to inhale and exhale, as my heart, joining this cavalcade, began to beat rapidly. All I had known was even MORE evident, and suddenly even MORE dangerous. How close we came as a Nation, to succumbing to the demented and disastrous machinations of a MADMAN and his TREASONOUS THUGS. On the precipice of Anarchy and Fascism, on the verge of a Coup, on the edge of losing Democracy, I rediscovered how anyone TRUMP, desired to stop our FREEDOMS, JUSTICE, and LIBERTIES, and almost succeeded! And perhaps, even more, nausea-inducing was the BLATANT fact that many of those who hailed TRUMP the hero, or at first seemed to fear more for their own lives than anyone else, REMAIN in a place of power and prestige, identifying as REPUBLICANS!


I could not watch the Videos without placing one hand over my eye, as I did as a kid watching Sci-Fi or Horror movies. I had to turn the volume down because the anguish and torture moan and shouts actually made me feel light-headed. As the Hearing continued, and the EVIDENCE loomed even larger, I began to twitch my limbs, I had to stand up and walk circles in my living room, as my brain kept insisting that I REMEMBER, how TRUMP is still a free man, and way too many of his Enablers are not in jail!


I am trying to process how this SCENARIO will play out, BUT when I truly stop whatever I am doing and JUST concentrate on it, I become ANGRY, and ever so FRUSTRATED. I tried to sleep last night placing the covers over my head, but some realized, that when the BOOGY MAN is real, no matter how many blankets or covers I try to hide under, when the BOOGY MAN is real, he REMAINS FREE!