Saturday, June 25, 2022

Who is the One?

 The court rejected Roe v. Wade , a 49-year-old legal precedent that guaranteed the right to an abortion, after a string of national polls showed a clear majority of Americans wanted the opposite result. A similar court majority invalidated a 108-year-old New York state law restricting who can carry concealed guns that is supported by nearly 8 in 10 New Yorkers, according to a recent poll by Siena College.

Rather than ignore the dissonance, Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., writing for the majority in the abortion decision, attacked the notion that the court should consider the public will. He quoted late chief justice William H. Rehnquist from a previous ruling: “The Judicial Branch derives its legitimacy, not from following public opinion, but from deciding by its best lights.”


“Up until a couple years ago, it used to be the case that where the court fell was well within the lines of the average Americans’ positions,” Sen said. “Now we are estimating that the court falls more squarely in line with the average Republican, not the average American.” (Washington Post)


A Dystopian society in which a few people decide the rights and will of the many. A careless group of people, anointed by one person elected by only 100 people pretend to understand the WANTS of the CITIZENRY. In an Ivory Tower, removed from the everyday situations of trying to THRIVE, SURVIVE, LIVE, a group of 9 are called SUPREMES. Look closely at how they entered the BLACK ROBED world of ultimate DECISION making, and look even closer PLEASE, at their CAPABILITIES, ABILITIES, KNOWLEDGE, and EXPERIENCES and from where they DRAW their OWN conclusions!


Thomas and Kavanaugh were both accused of Sexual Harassment, and rather than seeking truth, their accusations are dismissed, BOTH ruling in favor, against WOMEN and their Reproductive Rights. Barrett, whose personal life is tied to a Religious Organization some call a Cult, and others have accused that the CULT Religious Leader has also participated in activities of Sexual Harassment. Gorsuch and Alito referring to Biblical pronouncements to be as much or more authority for this nation’s moral and ethical standards.


BUT for me, the real CULPRITS in this attempt to make AMERICA the United States of Christian Nationality, are the COWARDS sitting as Senators, who when they desire WEILD power to make or break the good and welfare of Americans, and in turn who when THEY COULD make a difference, IGNORE any responsibility which belongs to them. If any Senator is suddenly dismayed that Gorsuch, Barrett, or Kavanaugh lied to them about overturning ROE, then why have they not IMMEDIATELY place a motion on the Senate floor to make women first-class citizens instead of CHATTEL!