Friday, June 24, 2022


 Susie Collins cried “crocodile tears” that Brett (so what if I drink and party a lot) Kavanaugh lied to her about ABORTION RIGHTS, and her GAL PAL Senator Lisa Murkowski complained had they known their Republican nominee Supreme (I believe Irregular is the correct word) would betray the majority of wishes by Americans and devalue women’s rights. Neil Gorsuch and Amy (Handmaid) Barrett also pulled a few I LIED speeches regarding ABORTION.  So I wonder, (and I also call out Susie and Lisa’s own LIES) HOW ABOUT THIS: to prove they both are VERY DISTRESSED, why not have both women propose a LAW to make Abortion rights a part of our CONSTITUTION!

Ya know, SUSIE loves her 15 minutes of “IF I ONLY KNEW BETTER moments. SO, now that SUSIE and LISA do KNOW BETTER, why not remedy the situation, and offer a new AMENDMENT that permits women to have ownership over their own bodies. And how about all and any of those GOP Senators who suddenly are shocked by what the rest of America KNEW, and they add their names so there are 60 votes, and MITCH has to shit in his diapers and not fight it!


I AM TIRED of the LIES of the SUPREMES but just as PISSED at the Senators who always seem unable to move past their THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS!